Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Diet foods

Like many of my friends, I packed on a few pounds over the holidays. As I try to get my head around consuming less calories, I've been thinking about how to get some variety into our meals while at the same time limiting them. Last night, up popped the Daikon radish. We had purchased some fresh ones to make a stir fry and of course, as I was chopping I started munching. Daikon is Japanese for big root and as I researched it, I learned that it is not only just 65 calories for a whole cup, it's full of fiber and packs a lot of Vitamin C! The taste is milder than the red radishes we are used to, but still spicy and interesting. I'm going to get some more and keep them sliced and wrapped in the frig. Along with the standard carrots and celery, I can grab radish sticks when the snack monster overtakes me!

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