Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cooking with Hollywood: Julie and Julia III

I've been away for awhile, but am still committed to blogging! It has been so long since I've seen it that I decided to watch Julie and Julia again to refresh my memory. I can hardly believe it, but this is the third time I've watched it, which is going some from someone who has never seen any other movie twice. I was thinking about what it really is that attracted me so much to this movie and I think it can be summed up in one word... PASSION. For both women, a project was undertaken despite all odds, with no guarantees, but one that determined a personal sense of success or failure. Both persevered through the pain of rejection on many fronts until the sweet smell of victory was in the air.

It's always great to see someone accomplish something that they have really worked hard to achieve. For me, this movie was especially personal because I saw so much of myself in it. I went to culinary school because I finally could, not because I had to. The passion for cooking that was fed there grew until I also published a book. I could relate to all aspects of both projects... not being taken seriously,working harder than I had to and in some cases should have, the drive, the development of the passion, the inability to stop, etc. and finally, the day the books arrived.

Rejections are the hardest part of any project. In retrospect, tho, they cause us to show our real stuff. In the back of my mind was always an essay I read by Tom Clancy about publishing. Can you believe that he got 50 - yes, FIFTY - rejections for Hunt for Red October? It was said that it was too technical and no one would buy it. Just goes to show you that there's a time, place and purpose for just about everything.

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